Can Perplexity Help Achieve 100% New Mexico’s Mission?
Discover funding, write better articles, uncover data, encourage creativity, find solutions, and create revolutionary projects. All that? Really?
Dominic Cappello and Gregory Sherrow
To empower 100% New Mexico and all the local county initiative team members, the artificial intelligence tool, Perplexity AI, has the potential to bring improved services to more families faster. We have been testing out various ways that this AI tool could be used to help families. We found that Perplexity, has a great deal of potential. Here are some suggested uses. s.
Find funding
Perplexity can help you identify funding sources to support your mission, locally, statewide, and nationwide. For example, the suggestion of connecting with The Grantsmanship Center came from one question about where to find the biggest foundations serving New Mexico. It’s a private training and resource organization that offers workshops and publications to help nonprofit, academic, and government agencies secure funding for their projects. Check out:
Introduce you to big thinkers and doers
Perplexity can guide you to innovators in public health by trying the prompt: Where are innovators meeting to discuss health equity? When we did this, we found this great suggestion among several others:…/
Write articles
With a short prompt, articles on many important topics related to improving services for families in New Mexico can be researched, outlined, revised, proofed, and polished until they are ready to publish. Sticking with the AI theme, we told Perplexity that we wanted to write an article on “Women using AI to improve health.” Along with a page of suggestions, we found this useful website for research and insights:
Identify where data exists
Perplexity can reveal sources for the latest and historical data on the ten vital service areas that you may never have considered. Unlike most other AI tools and Google search, Perplexity’s training is more heavily focused research publications and associated materials. It can better guide you to data sources that illustrate the problems and suggest solutions to the public health, safety, and education challenges facing your county and state.
Encouraging creativity
More generally, we found it highly beneficial to use Perplexity to improve creativity and problem-solving by brainstorming new tools and approaches to strengthen your local initiative’s work. For example, you can ask perplexity to critique a proposed strategy to gain the support of local lawmakers and stakeholders (Learn more at and make suggestions of how to improve your chances of getting a ‘yes!’.
Finding solutions
With AI at your fingertips you can perform tasks that you didn’t think you never believed you could tackle on your own. For example, ask it to guide you to other AI-based solutions that are designed to solve particular problems like video production or writing a documentary script about your initiative’s work. Many of these solutions have a free tier or a very low-cost paid tier and the quality gets better with every passing day (The GovLab’s AI Localism Initiative
Create transformative projects
Grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and start up a conversation with Perplexity on the topic of healthcare access. Be as general or specific as you want and see where the conversation goes. Try asking, “I work for a county organization that is trying to ensure that we can strengthen the behavioral healthcare sector in XYZ County to make sure everyone can access care. How do we build capacity for mental healthcare across our entire county?” Follow up by asking for details on the best results. You might be amazed at what you discover. Examples: and Data-Smart City Solutions
Technology innovators are still at the initial stages of AI development. Just like with every revolutionary technological advance in the past, societies will have to manage the negatives and enhance the positives. If we can harness the power of AI to solve the deeply entrenched problems we are facing in our state, then it’s New Mexico’s families who win.
Give it a try.
Helpful Videos
While we can’t fully endorse all the content in the videos below, we encourage you to explore the resources and use your best judgement.
Did you know? Our transformational 100% New Mexico initiative is guided by web-based, self-paced courses provided free to all New Mexicans.

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The 100% New Mexico initiative is a program of the Anna, Age Eight Institute at New Mexico State University, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service. Contact: or visit to learn more.