The Burden and Gift of Sight
Seeing the challenges our children endure is not easy, yet it’s how we heal our families.
Katherine Ortega Courtney, PhD and Dominic Cappello
You possess a rare gift—and burden. Your eyes are open to the harsh realities that most choose to ignore or remain blind to, which means bearing witness to a society mired in apathy, trauma, and injustice. With our gift of sight, we may see a world consumed by divisiveness and lacking the capacity to solve our most costly problems.
This clarity of vision is not easy. The truth can be a heavy burden to carry. Many times, we may wish to look away from the trauma and injustice festering beneath the surface. Yet, look we do, for only those with the courage to truly see, can light the path toward change.
The work we are doing with the 100% New Mexico initiative is not just about seeing the abuse, neglect, and trauma our children endure, which leads to almost every public health, safety, and education challenge New Mexico confronts. It’s about your crucial role in this. Each day, you choose to keep your eyes open or retreat back into blissful ignorance. Our initiative grows today because you choose to engage, to be part of the solution, to address the root causes of suffering.
You have been gifted with the capacity to be visionary and imagine a future when every family has access to vital services for surviving and thriving. You can see a time when every county had a 100% Family Center that ensures access to services. You can envision all our public schools with the capacity to become community schools with school-based health centers and family resource centers serving as service hubs for students and their families. You see solutions every day and work toward making our vision a reality.
We are grateful to New Mexicans and their gift of seeing the potential to build a society where 100% can thrive.
Mission: The 100% New Mexico initiative is dedicated to ensuring that 100% of families can access ten vital services crucial for their overall health, resilience, and success. This university-sponsored endeavor necessitates the local implementation of evidence-based strategies encompassing both community and school-based service hubs, aiming to prevent the most pressing and costly public health and safety challenges, including adverse social determinants of health and adverse childhood experiences.
Did you know? Our transformational 100% New Mexico initiative is guided by web-based, self-paced courses provided free to all New Mexicans.

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The 100% New Mexico initiative is a program of the Anna, Age Eight Institute at New Mexico State University, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service. Contact: or visit to learn more.