Q&A: 100% Rio Arriba Summit, Well-Being, and the Arts
Diego López, 100% Rio Arriba initiative leader, filmmaker, and artist, shares his perspective on the power of community, having a shared vision of well-being for 100%, and the role of the arts in local vitalization in Española.
Dominic Cappello, co-developer of the 100% New Mexico initiative, sat down with Diego López, a native of Española, New Mexico and the 100% Rio Arriba County Representative, to discuss the upcoming 100% Rio Arriba summit and its goals for the community. As frequent collaborators on art projects that uplift community spirit, Dominic and Diego delve into the intersection of creative expression and the initiative’s mission to improve the lives of Rio Arriba County residents.
Dominic Cappello: I have been truly inspired, as many others have been, by the 100% Rio Arriba mural projects unveiled in Española and how they brought the community together in support of the 100% New Mexico initiative. I’m curious to learn more about the upcoming 100% Rio Arriba summit and how it plans to achieve its goals.
Diego López: First of all, I gotta give a shout-out to my team! We have been working very hard together to make this come to life. The 100% Rio Arriba summit is a pivotal event aimed at uniting community members around crucial health, safety, education, and resilience issues. We believe that by fostering collaboration and shared vision, we can significantly improve the well-being of all residents in Rio Arriba County.
Dominic Cappello: How will the 100% Summit support local service providers who are the backbone of the ten vital services initiative?
Diego López: The 100% Rio Arriba summit is designed to be a collaboration and resource-sharing platform. We will bring together service providers, community leaders, and residents to discuss challenges, share best practices, and explore innovative solutions to strengthen the ten vital services. The summit will also provide opportunities for networking and building partnerships to improve the reach and effectiveness of these essential services. We will also host the NM North East Region Health Councils Spring Gathering. So it’ll be a tremendous opportunity to share the wonderful work we have been doing with our 100% Rio Arriba initiative and learn from other health councils from our region what has been working and where we could fill gaps.
Dominic Cappello: Art is a large part of your life and creates a connection to the community. How are you including artists in the 100% Rio Arriba initiative and why are the arts considered important in an initiative focused on health promotion?
Diego López: The arts play a vital role in promoting community well-being. Artistic expression allows individuals and communities to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives. This fosters social connection, cultural understanding, and a sense of belonging. In the context of the 100% Rio Arriba initiative, art can be a powerful tool for raising awareness about health issues, promoting positive messaging around well-being, and inspiring community pride and action. Art also gets people excited and motivated to be a part of the movement, it can inspire people to become agents of change.
Dominic Cappello: I love that perspective. Tell me about how the initiative has reached out to various stakeholders within the county.
Diego López: Inclusivity is a core value of the 100% Rio Arriba initiative. We have actively engaged various stakeholders through diverse outreach strategies. This includes partnering with the Revive Prevention Coalition, Rio Arriba Community Health Council, Connecting Our Voices Coalition, RACSTOP, RAC Early Childhood Coalition, food pantries, members from our local pueblos, higher education institutions, healthcare, and our hospitals, schools, local government entities, faith-based initiatives, law enforcement, civic and volunteer groups, youth interns and community organizations. We organize meetings, action teams, and discussions, disseminate information through various channels, share resources, and encourage active participation from all community segments and are using technology to make our reach even more effective.
Dominic Cappello: Diego, you and I have discussed making Española an arts and cultural center, shining bright alongside, and literally between, the other art-focused communities of Taos and Santa Fe. How do you think nurturing the arts scene here in Rio Arriba County can make a real difference?
Diego López: Where do I even begin? A thriving arts scene is like sunshine for our community. It brings so much life and opportunity! We have some of the most talented artists in the world living right here among us. I believe that once word gets out, tourists and locals alike will be drawn to our unique experiences, like visiting galleries and enjoying local cultural shows. Our creative residents can engage in entrepreneurial art projects in film, video, music, and dance and become cultural influencers online. That means more visitors and residents spending money at our restaurants, shops, and hotels, which is a win for everyone. New jobs will pop up in all sorts of areas, from hospitality to running art schools, galleries, and cultural venues.
Think about it, Dom. A vibrant arts scene isn’t just about selling paintings and pottery. It’s about celebrating our heritage, expressing ourselves, and building a community that buzzes with creativity. It’s about making Northern New Mexico, Rio Arriba and Española places where people want to visit, live, and thrive. That’s a future I wholeheartedly believe in, but we can’t do it alone, TEAMWORK makes the dream work! ¡Adelante!
Dominic Cappello: Thank you for your time and creative vision. I look forward to seeing you and community partners at the 100% Rio Arriba Summit on March 19th.
Did you know? Our transformational 100% New Mexico initiative is guided by web-based, self-paced courses provided free to all New Mexicans.

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The 100% New Mexico initiative is a program of the Anna, Age Eight Institute at New Mexico State University, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service. Contact: annaageeight@nmsu.edu or visit annaageeight.nmsu.edu to learn more.