NM Attorney General Torrez on Public Safety and Health
How public safety and the goals of the 100% New Mexico initiative can align to ensure all children, families, and communities can thrive.
New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez is focusing on a new definition of public safety that goes beyond law enforcement, courts, child welfare, and prisons. In partnership with the NMSU’s 100% New Mexico initiative, AG Torrez prioritizes prevention of public safety challenges and emphasizes the well-being of children, students, and families. In a community conversation held in Farmington, Torrez and NMSU’s 100% New Mexico initiative co-developer Dominic Cappello discussed the crucial role of vital services in addressing the root causes of family challenges and promoting overall health and safety. 100% New Mexico county survey reports document how many families struggle to access medical care, mental health care, food security programs, housing security programs and other services described in the initiative’s guiding book 100% Community: Ensuring 10 vital services for surviving and thriving
The talk, “100% Safe and Healthy Families,” hosted by the 100% San Juan initiative and Presbyterian Medical Services, underscored the importance of a comprehensive approach to public safety. This approach not only tackles adverse childhood experiences and trauma but also ensures access to essential services. One of the proposed solutions, a 100% Family Center: One Stop Service Hub in each county, can become a testament to our commitment to support families across the state in every possible way. (continues below slideshow)
AG Torrez, with his visionary leadership, is championing the transformative potential of New Mexico. His call for collaboration between public safety, education, health, housing, and transportation sectors is an inspiring reminder that we can build a state where everyone thrives. By working together and advocating for vital services, we can significantly improve the quality of life for all. Addressing the root causes of our most costly public safety challenges begins with data leading to action.
For more information about the local 100% initiative, contact 100% San Juan Coordinator Kathy Price at 100sjcnm@gmail.com. To learn more about the 100% New Mexico initiative, active in 17 counties, visit 100nm.org.
For questions about 100% progress, please visit our research briefs and evaluation reports.
Did you know? Our transformational 100% New Mexico initiative is guided by web-based, self-paced courses provided free to all New Mexicans.

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The 100% New Mexico initiative is a program of the Anna, Age Eight Institute at New Mexico State University, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service. Contact: annaageeight@nmsu.edu or visit annaageeight.nmsu.edu to learn more.