100% Border Health, Safety, and Economic Development
Presenting the 100% New Mexico initiative to Mexican and US lawmakers from border states.
The recent Border Legislative Conference in Las Cruces, New Mexico, provided a unique platform to present the 100% New Mexico initiative to lawmakers from both sides of the US-Mexico border. This two-day event, focused on economic development, health, and safety, was expertly facilitated by New Mexico state senator Dr. Bill Soules and Diputada Ernestina Castro Valenzuela of the Sonora State Legislature, serving as chair and co-chair respectively.
The conference created a valuable opportunity for cross-border dialogue, reflection, and insight-sharing on life along the border. Discussions covered a wide range of topics, including business environments, economic opportunities, drought, energy, and quality of life for community members. A highlight was the presentation of the Border Task Force Report on the Paso Del Norte Region by NMSU’s Dr. Lucinda Vargas and Dr. Kramer Winingham, offering data-driven insights into the region’s challenges and opportunities.

Public safety, a critical aspect of border community life, was explored in depth with Doña Ana Sheriff Kim Stewart. Her presentation highlighted both the challenges faced by law enforcement in border regions and opportunities for enhancing safety for all community members. Dr. Hector Antonio Padilla Delgado from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez provided an insightful presentation on “Migration Challenges in Ciudad Juarez.”
A key focus of the conference was the presentations on border health, including the 100% New Mexico initiative. Attendees were introduced to both English and Spanish versions of Anna, Age Eight: The data-driven prevention of childhood trauma and maltreatment. This book serves as a foundational resource for the community engagement phase of the 100% New Mexico initiatives. The presentation outlined the vision, mission, goals, and activities of the initiative, emphasizing its focus on transforming adverse social determinants of health into positive ones.
Central to the initiative is the concept presented in 100% Community: Ensuring 10 vital services for surviving and thriving. This approach underscores the importance of guaranteeing access to essential services for every family, a critical factor in building healthy, safe, and prosperous border communities. The goal is to operationalize the social determinants of health across all cities and counties.
The conference’s success was greatly enhanced by excellent simultaneous translation services, which facilitated seamless communication and dialogue between all participants, regardless of language barriers. This linguistic inclusivity was crucial in fostering a truly collaborative atmosphere.
Throughout the discussions, a clear theme emerged: the power of collaboration in supporting border communities. Participants recognized the potential for creating environments that strengthen health, safety, education, and economic development through coordinated efforts on both sides of the border.
The Western Office of the Council of State Governments, the conference sponsor, deserves commendation for orchestrating this impactful international dialogue. By bringing together diverse stakeholders, the conference not only highlighted pressing issues but also generated constructive discussions on solutions for community building, workforce development, and robust economic growth in border regions.
The “100% Model” and Border Health
The presentation of the 100% New Mexico initiative at this conference marks a significant step in promoting a comprehensive approach to community well-being in border areas. By ensuring access to vital services and addressing social determinants of health, the initiative aligns perfectly with the conference’s goals of fostering stronger, healthier, and more prosperous border communities.
As border regions continue to face unique challenges and opportunities, initiatives like 100% New Mexico offer a blueprint for collaborative, data-driven approaches to improving quality of life. The positive reception of this initiative at the Border Legislative Conference suggests a growing recognition of the need for holistic, cross-border strategies in addressing the complex issues facing these vital communities.
Mission: The 100% New Mexico initiative is dedicated to ensuring that 100% of families can access ten vital services crucial for their overall health, resilience, and success. This university-sponsored endeavor necessitates the local implementation of evidence-based strategies encompassing both community and school-based service hubs, aiming to prevent the most pressing and costly public health and safety challenges, including adverse social determinants of health and adverse childhood experiences.
Did you know? Our transformational 100% New Mexico initiative is guided by web-based, self-paced courses provided free to all New Mexicans.

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The 100% New Mexico initiative is a program of the Anna, Age Eight Institute at New Mexico State University, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service. Contact: annaageeight@nmsu.edu or visit annaageeight.nmsu.edu to learn more.